Monday, August 9, 2010


At the winery, the viticulturist is known for having a very low tolerance for people and refusing to repeat himself. Since I hate stupid people, I can completely sympathize with this and have decided to be on my best, most competent behavior when interacting with him because he kind of reminds me of Christopher Walken but more old-mannish and I am possibly afraid of him.

This morning, he decided he was going to take me along with him to do some vineyard sampling from various vineyards we buy grapes from around the Russian River area. I assumed I would ride shotgun in the truck and kind of smile and nod while he showed me how to pick grapes.


He gave me my own truck, forgot something, and decided to meet me out there. By some miracle, I found the correct vineyard (I have the worst sense of direction ever, only getting worse by my reliance on my GPS - which I had left back at the winery since I didn't see any navigation coming my way). He met me out there, used some profanity - which always makes me uncomfortable because I feel like I've done something wrong, for example:

John (aka the viticulturist): Usually we have buckets out here but there's all this shit that Martin left out here. I don't know what it's doing there.
Me: - Silence, while holding back the urge to apologize profusely for the macro bins that are sitting outside because I washed them all last week.-

He needed to back to the winery again and told me to meet him at the next winery, even farther away from the first. I managed to find a map in the car but could not match any of the street names with where I needed to be nor where I currently was. I started driving aimlessly, and eventually found it. When I got out there, he showed me how to crush up grapes in a bucket using this semi-phallic stick that you have to basically hold at crotch level while swiveling it around and putting all your weight on it.

I'm going big places in the wine industry. Luckily, since I managed to find both vineyards and am adapting to the profanity (since everyone else seems to swear a lot, too), John and I are getting along just fine and he doesn't seem annoyed with me.


  1. I can't believe you are a stranger to profanity.

  2. I have no idea what my problem is. I think you need to move back to California
