Now I have a week day off (always a bad sign for employment, that means things are REALLY winding down), and I'm getting some much-needed down time in. Took Daisy to the park today:

A Sunmaid Daisin, if you will.
Lately, I've been working constantly and Grammy gets really worried if I go get beers after work or something and calls me and leaves these inane messages. Here a transcription of a message I got last night:
"Hillary, if you get this message tonight, it's almost 9 o'clock now. Um. If you get it tonight, give me a call. Sometime. 'Cause I'm kinda worried... where you are. Or if you got kidnapped. I'll talk to you later."
That's pretty much everything going on over on this end. Hope you all are well and in case you were concerned, I have not been kidnapped.