Recently, in recognition of Wikipedia's 10th anniversary, published a list of the top 10 Wiki articles, including a list of common misconceptions. Among other fun, interesting facts (vomitoria were merely entrances, not places people went to vomit, sugar does not make children more hyper, etc.), I learned that water does not swirl in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere (something I was really looking forward to learning more about during my time in Australia) due to the power suction mechanism in toilets.
The other day, as I was emptying a tank, the water swirled down counter-clockwise (or as they say down under, "anti-clockwise") - back home it is always clockwise! Very exciting.
ha, I actually included "to see water go down drains counter-clockwise" as one of my reasons for wanting to do a harvest in Oz for the wine spectator scholarship essay. I wonder if that hurt my chances of getting it last year?